Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Success Of The Simpsons Essays - The Simpsons, American Culture

The Success Of The Simpsons The Improbable Long-Term Success of The Simpsons While analyzing the historical backdrop of present day prime-time TV, there is a sure example that for all intents and purposes each effective show definitely falls into. After a time of beginning achievement, maybe enduring three or four years, the composition on the show gets stale by utilizing a similar arrangement and same jokes again and again. The review crowd gets exhausted, and in the end, the show blurs into TV blankness. Or then again, as Jeff MacGregor states in The New York Times, Historically(successful shows) breakdown under the heaviness of their own lack of concern, holding tight for a couple of inert seasons while the makers stand by to money out their millions and move to Maui. In view of this reason, doubtlessly The Simpsons, an energized arrangement that appeared in 1987 as thirty second fragments on The Tracey Ullman Show, ought to have stayed around too long quite a while in the past. Be that as it may, The Simpsons is as yet going solid today. The key to the shows achievement lies in its makers capacity to comprehend the desires for the TV crowd and the way of life that encompasses them. This understanding, joined with wry mockery, topical subjects, and great scripting that embarrasses most different comedies, just as some good old droll parody, makes The Simpsons one of the most well known projects in TV history. The show is regularly perplexing and exceptionally educated, while staying entertaining at the most essential levels. As Jim Gleeson states in The College Tribune, The show is uncommon in compensating tender loving care, with particularly cloud references that regardless of whether you had never heard ofyou would even now snicker, jubilant with the made skill, all things considered, This reality that the show deals with a few levels without a moment's delay draws a generationally different fan base. The grown-ups are pulled in by the shockingly modern discourse, while the kids appreciate the ungainly shenanigans of Homer and the generally childish parts of the program. A case of a multidimensional scene happens in the scene where Marge, the mother of the Simpson family, begins a campaign against crusade brutality. Maggie, the child, is hypnotized by an Itchy and Scratchy animation appear in which the mouse pulverizes the feline over the head with a heavy hammer. Later in the scene, Maggie mimics the activities of the mouse by hitting her dad, Homer, on the head with a heavy hammer, with the music from Psycho playing the foundation. For the more youthful crowd, seeing Homer getting hit on the head is entertaining, much similarly that the Simpson kids snicker as the mouse hitters the animation feline. The more established segment of the watchers enjoys extra perce iving the mention to the renowned blood and gore movie. Another basic case of staggered humor highlights Homer sitting on the love seat, while another Homer strolls past the outside window. Despite the fact that it happens surprisingly fast, this scene is one of innumerable senseless yet inquisitively thrilling characteristics that makes the show a perfect work of art of little, discard subtleties that collect into a perspective. Since the makers of The Simpsons comprehend the present business rules for humor and political rightness, they can make humor by gruffly crossing these assumed socially satisfactory limits, while as yet sending a positive message. One much of the time tended to subject on the show is religion, which is a typically delicate issue on TV. The Simpsons, anyway handles strict idea head-on. In one scene, Homer skips church on an especially cool, frigid Sunday and has the greatest day of his life. In the wake of making his licensed, space-age, amazing Moon Waffles (dissolved caramel and waffle hitter folded over a stick of spread), he watches football on T.V. furthermore, after finding a penny on the ground, asks so anyone might hear, Could this be the greatest day of my life? In the wake of imagining, in addition to other things, his big day, he announces, We have a victor! This succession would appear to introduce the possibility that going church is a terrible thing, however before the finish of the scene, the message is turned around. Homer nods off in the midst of a heap of Playdudes with a lit stogie in his mouth, which falls onto the magazines and sets the house ablaze. After a wonderful salvage, Marge asks Homer whether the fiasco

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Marketing of Mondelez International-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp

Question: Discusss about the Sustainable Management and Marketing of Mondelez International. Answer: Presentation Mondelez International is a broadly known American confectionary, food and refreshment organization that produces gum, powdered drinks, dessert shop, and bread rolls (Berg 2016). The representative quality of the organization is around 90,000 and it has been headquartered in USA. The item arrangement of Mondelez International incorporates a few billion-dollar brands like Stride, Trident, Oreo, Cadbury and Halls and with the equivalent; the brand has buyers from 165 distinct nations (Fernandes, Gupta and Vidyasagar 2016). This paper will expound on examining its full scale and small scale natural factors through promoting blend and SWOT investigation. It will additionally reveal insight into the maintainable advertising activities taken by this organization and will recommend hardly any procedures and rules that it could be utilized by it so as to improve its business. Conversation Promoting Mix Item The organization has huge exhibit items and limit of its items are been picked up by its merger with the brand Cadbury. Cadbury has created an enormous number of money cows in its scope of items. Advantage, Dairy Milk, Bourneville, Five Star, Cadbury clairs are a portion of the well known items in the chocolate business (Pai and Subramanian 2014). Under the portion of bread rolls, the organization has propelled Oreo in the year 2010 that is to be sure increasing a piece of the pie at an exceptionally fast pace, concealing in excess of 100 crores in the incomes. Under the drink fragment, bournvita again is the significant pioneer in the milk added substances. Alongside that, the mouth revitalizer or the solution for cold and hack Halls, is utilized by the individuals all over India. On account of such a colossal scope of items in its portfolio, Mondelez is one of the main names in the field of chocolates, everywhere throughout the world. Cost Alongside the nature of the item, there comes the value that Mondelez also considers all things considered. Since the nature of every one of its items are high just as the Oreo scone and bevarages too requires a ceaseless showcasing in the market to stay on the top, the item cost of the Mondelez is likewise very high for certain results of it (MacGregor et al. 2016). Notwithstanding, for different items that need less or no promoting, the costs are a lot of low and sensible enough. In view of its situating, Dairy Milk is viewed as one of the most premium brands of chocolates, however as its cost is a lot of low than the other premium chocolates, it is acknowledged by close about every one of the objective fragments (Shrivastava 2016). There are assortments of result of Mondelez and relying upon the sort of customer who are going to get them, their valuing are set in like manner. Conveyance technique The dissemination procedure of the organization is extremely awesome and is simultaneously, across the board too. The result of the organization is accessible in all the urban zones including the A, B and C class of towns. It additionally follows a similar technique of FMCG. The items are accessible all inclusive at each candy machines, supermarkets, discount clubs, sedate stores, shopping centers, medical clinics and retail establishments. It could be purchased from the online stores like Big container, eBay and Amazon too. It has an extremely powerful appropriation arrange. It has appropriated every one of its items in remote markets including India. All the significant creating nations and urban communities are secured by the dissemination system of the organization. Advancement The item advancement of the organization is done through TV notice, magazine commercials and through bulletins. The primary point of the organization is to make such items that would be appreciated by everybody (Mythily 2015). It focuses on the children maturing from 2 to 15 years to the adolescent and elderly individuals also. The vast majority of its promotions are vivified to bid the creative mind of the children. Be that as it may, the advancement of various item is extraordinary. For the advancement of Bourneville, the organization has kept a place that-You dont purchase a Bourneville, you win it. The Cadbury festivity has a decent client base, where the chocolates are acquired immense sum and are given to the businesses, sellers and customers (SB and Sailaja 2014). promoting. SWOT investigation Qualities Mondelez has fabricated a solid seller and wholesaler network inside scarcely any long stretches of its development and this has made the vendors to put resources into preparing their business officials for contributing various shoppers distinctive remarkable ways. In has as of late put resources into the Global Research and Development Hubs in Poland, Brazil, Mexico and India, that is helping them in selecting better up-and-comers just as holding and creating gifts over a tremendous scope of fields. As examined above, it has billion dollar brands such a Cadbury Dairy milk, Oreo, Milka, Trident gum, Halls candy and Toblerone and so on. These brand are helping to income for Mondelez (Pai and Subramanian 2014). Shortcomings There is a change in the EPS (Earning per Share). The EPS was diminished by 76.4% in the year 2016 and was expanded by 246.9% in the year 2015. Such a variance proposes, that there is lopsidedness in the execution of the techniques. From the underneath referenced diagram, it very well may be portrayed that there was a remarkable decrease in the all out income in the year 2016 by 10.5% and in the year 2015 by 13.5% (Das nair, Nkhonjera and Ziba 2017). Chart: Revenue history of Mondelez (Das nair, Nkhonjera and Ziba 2017) Openings There is a noteworthy decrease in the deals of bread rolls in Latin America. In the year 2016, it was diminished to 734 million dollars from 1605 million dollars, which was about 54%. Henceforth, the organization can expand its deals of bread in Latin America.. The organization can likewise broaden its item portfolio by including into it different fragments, for example, that of tidbits. Mondelez can extend its business in other creating countries (Leonidou, Katsikeas and Morgan 2013) Dangers The developing qualities of the nearby distributers Increment in rivalry in the cutting edge business advertise among the contenders, a portion of its significant rivals is Mars, Hershey and Cargill and they really have a ground-breaking brand notoriety in the market (Leonidou et al. 2013). The expense of the items used to make the organization items is ascending alongside increment in fuel cost, work cost, dispersion cost and so forth (Tate et al. 2014). This is bringing about decrease of the edges of the brand. Organization position among the other three Among Barry Callebaut, Hershey and Cargill, Mondelez is positioning number two after Hershey. It is the second driving chocolate fabricating organizations after Hershey. Feasible promoting standards The organization has propelled a site for its clients called the DearCadbury.com, with a plan to make its clients mindful in regards to moral sourcing and nature (Sakas, Vlachos and Dimitris 2014). Directed at the clients, schools and its own laborers, Mondelez is making supportability as significant piece of its drawn out system with an expectation that the site will mirror this. The organization likewise thinks about the requirements of every one of its clients, directly from the children to the more seasoned ones or state, from the motivation buy to the family treats (Casadesus, Masanell and Zhu 2013). Mondelez plans its items to concur with the Easter, Christmas, Fathers and Mothers day and different other schedule milestones. Cadbury likewise utilizes the Choose Cadbury showcasing technique so as to energize a connection between these occasions and the chocolates. Besides, the organization follows appropriation system. In spite of the fact that the organization is following FMCS, still it can't make its items accessible in a portion of the urban and rustic locales. In any case, it makes its items accessible through the CF from the distributer or the retailers to the end clients and this is a three level circulation approach. Ends From the above investigation obviously Mondelez is to be sure a main American confectionary, food and drink organization that can possibly turn into the top most organization in the rundown of the best food and refreshment organizations. In any case, in view of the above examination there are scarcely any proposals made underneath: Single showcasing technique isn't adequate so as to accomplish the vital targets in such a contemporary business condition. Subsequently, Mondelez ought to apply the blend of vital showcasing models whose ideal mix would depend on singular conditions specifically to focused markets of the person. It must contrast in its key methodologies relying upon various individual market. References: Berg, B., 2016.As sweet as it gets: Corporate social duty in the dessert shop industry(Doctoral paper, Quinnipiac University). Casadesus?Masanell, R. what's more, Zhu, F., 2013. Plan of action development and serious impersonation: The instance of sponsor?based business models.Strategic the board journal,34(4), pp.464-482. Das Nair, R., Nkhonjera, M. furthermore, Ziba, F., 2017. Development and Development in the Sugar to Confectionery Value Chain. Fernandes, S.F., Gupta, P. furthermore, Vidyasagar, A., 2016. Cadbury IndiaSweet Turning Sour.Ushus-Journal of Business Management,15(4), pp.37-54. Leonidou, C., Katsikeas, C., Morgan, N. 2013 Greening the promoting blend: do firms do it and does itpay off?. Diary of the Academy of Marketing Science, 41(2), 151-170. Leonidou, L.C., Leonidou, C.N., Fotiadis, T.A. also, Zeriti, A., 2013. Assets and abilities as drivers of inn natural advertising technique: Implications for upper hand and performance.Tourism Management,35, pp.94-110. MacGregor, J.F., Liu, Z., Bruwer, M.J., Polsky, B. what's more, Visscher, G., 2016. Setting synchronous determinations on different crude materials to guarantee item quality and limit risk.Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems,157, pp.96-103. Mythily, G., 2015. A SURVEY ON CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR AND BRAND AWARENESS OF CADBURY AMONG STUDENTS IN SCHOOL A

Monday, July 27, 2020

5 Netflix Shows for Writers to Binge-Watch

5 Netflix Shows for Writers to Binge-Watch Netflix and chill takes on an entirely new meaning when youre a writer looking for inspiration. With the plethora of shows and topics available for a small fee per month, its now easier than ever for writers to find storytelling inspiration while also achieving down time in the form of media consumption and relaxing to a great series.With this in mind, here are the top shows on Netflix that you simply shouldnt miss if youre a writer. From expert dialogue, to storytelling genius, to character arcs that would even impress Tolstoy, here are five Netflix shows you absolutely must see to perfect your craft.Russian DollRussian Doll, starring Natasha Lyonne.Imagine being a single woman on the night of your 36th birthday but reliving the same night again and againâ€"all in an attempt to make sense of the extraordinarily cynical mess that your life has become. From fatally funny to mournfully sad, Russian Doll takes on a life of its own after the first few episodes of the protagonist returnin g to the same night in this eight-part Netflix series aimed at exploring mid-life crisis at its finest.This review from NPRs Linda Holmes sums the show up best:A woman whose curly red hair spills past her shoulders stands in front of a bathroom mirror as a party rages outside. She looks at her reflection. People bang on the door to get in. She turns and leaves, through a door with a handgun for a handle, out of the bathroom where the areas of the walls and door glow with blotches of chilly blue light. As she leaves, two women push their way past her into the bathroom, and she moves into the room where the party is. Friends swarm around her. A woman cooking in the kitchen offers her a joint laced with cocaine. Something is wrong. She is a quick-witted New York game designer who seems to smoke in part for the smoking itself, but also in part so she can gesture, in quick little jabs, with her cigarette. And she cant figure out quite whats going on. What was I just doing? she asks her f riend.Linda Holmes, NPRThe fact that Natasha Lyonne, one of the stars of Netflixs original, Orange is the New Black, leads the cast doesnt hurt the intense effect of the show. The actress is brilliant at playing a lost 30-something party girl coming to terms with her life decisions and future choices. All in all, the show is an amazing dive into deep character study and unique storytelling, and would be a welcome addition to any writers exploration into what makes us human after all. Particularly those of us who think too much.The Walking DeadThe Walking Dead, starring Andrew Lincoln and Norman ReedusDont watch The Walking Dead for the gore. In fact, dont watch the show because of zombies or apocalyptic fiction at all. Simply watch it for the character study in a Lord of the Flies-esque exploration of how society collapses under the pressure of survival of the fittest.Mary McNamara, Los Angeles Times Television Critic, says of the first season:In an early scene we see the emotional toll the killings can take and in several instances, Grimes and others pay homage to the former humanity of their predators. But still, zombies are clearly not human. Or rather they are the nightmare version of humanity, the fear that our friends and family are not to be trusted because they are capable of turning on us at any time.That same anxiety is played out among the survivorsâ€"the suspicion that what civility we have is merely a habit, that any shift in the order of things will reveal the hidden bullies and tyrants, the murderers and rapists and thieves. The Walking Dead, like any good horror tale, still believes in the importance of monsters, perfectly balancing the struggle of basic human decency with those palsied four-in-the-morning moments when we are convinced that everyone around us is trying to eat us alive.Mary McNamara, Los Angeles TimesBlack MirrorBlack Mirror, starring Bryce Dallas Howard and Hannah John-KamenTechno-paranoia, dystopia, suspenseâ€"Black Mirrors an thology-like approach to all were uneasy about in our world is a guaranteed way to turn your mind upside down and inside out. From the darkness inherent in social media to the lives we try to keep hidden despite big brother, Black Mirror explores the darker side of technology and human nature when the two of them combine to create a real sense of madness.In reflecting our decidedly freakish and dark 21st Century existence back to us, Black Mirror, created by Charlie Brooker and executive produced by Brooker and Annabel Jones, is a show that is guaranteed to get any writers mind whirling with possibilitiesâ€"from dystopia to cyberpunk and all the realms of possibilities in between.Emily Nussbaum, reviewer for The New Yorker writes:Anyone who has skimmed Guy Debords Wikipedia page or watched the American Music Awards could condemn our culture as a masquerade, a spectacle of virtuality. But whats refreshing about Black Mirror is that Brooker goes deeper than that, aiming past the obvio us targetsâ€"the know-nothings and narcissists of the Internet. Instead, his villains are the bad-faith cynics, like the reality-TV judge, in one episode, who murmurs, with cagey calculation, Authenticity is in woefully short supply. In Black Mirror, the danger is not complacency, or, at least, not that alone: its letting your outrage turn into contempt, a pose of transgression that is, in the end, more deadly than any desperation to be loved.Emily Nussbaum, The New YorkerMeanwhile, Michelle Orange, writer for Vogue, suggests Black Mirror might be the Twilight Zone of the Digital Age, and writes:Black Mirror [is] pretty tough to watch. Whats caught in its dark reflection might look a lot like you. There are high-handed moments and a schematic quality basic to its project, but overall the show is earnestly and intelligently, imaginatively engaged with its times, which makes itâ€"ironically, given the central indictment of spectatorshipâ€"hard to look away. The stories set archetypal human dilemmasâ€"death, identity, fidelityâ€"within an entirely new context, which is exactly how we are living them. What they reveal of human nature is not new but newly captured. In the future of Black Mirror, technology has set us, which is to say we have set ourselves, a perfect trap.Michelle Orange, VogueThe KillingThe Killing, starring Joel Kinnaman And Mireille Enos.While admittedly, the audience and critic reviews tend to swoon downward as the series progresses, The Killing starts off with a bang thats hard to beat when it comes to police procedural and crime drama action.Critic Troy Patterson from Slate Magazine, who compares The Killing to the infamous Twin Peaks, writes: The prologue practically functions as a schematic diagram of all the police proceduralsâ€"with their virtuous investigators and their quasi-necrophiliac toneâ€"that The Killing seems to deconstruct and reassemble on a higher plain.David Bianculli, as heard on NPRs Fresh Air program, again equates The Kil ling to Twin Peaks and suggests that it, along with some of the worlds best-known recent crime series, have come from Scandinavian countries, including Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. He also notes:The Killing is intentionally slow, and doesnt provide any of the usual staples of the genre as high-octane relief. No gun battles, no car chasesâ€"just cops doing their duty, politicians looking for ways to spin things to their advantage and parents facing their worst fears. Theres one scene, in which the parents are called in to identify the body of their daughter, where their individual reactions are nonverbal, unconnected and emotionally scalding. The husband and wife dont even hold or look at each other. In that awful moment, theyre hit by their own individual grief. Its astoundingly good actingâ€"but, like so much of The Killing, its tough to watch.But it deserves to be seenâ€"and the persistence of these detectives is a little reminiscent of Columbo, where their unassuming, unorthodox approach ends up unearthing certain hidden cluesâ€"and, at the same time, getting us to root for them strongly along the way.David Bianculli, NPRs Fresh AirBianculli continues to note that The Killing is AMCs most depressing series yetâ€"and this is from a network that has given us apocalyptic zombies and a terminally ill crystal meth manufacturer.Stranger ThingsStranger Things, starring Winona Ryder, David Harbour, Finn Wolfhard, and Millie Bobby Brown.There cant be a list of binge-worthy Netflix shows for writers without adding my personal favorite, Stranger Things.With the first season set in 1983 in the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana, Stranger Things is a nostalgic trip back to childhood in the 80s, with storytelling that is as taut as it is perfectly executed. Although the cast is large, it becomes hard to pick a favorite, as each character becomes as dearly beloved as ones childhood playmates.Any adult who grew up riding bicycles with friends, exploring the woods, and trem bling at night to spooky stories told beneath blankets will feel a genuine connection with the kids. Any parent who has ever felt helpless as their child experiences trauma will feel instant empathy for the adult characters in the show.Its really difficult to describe Stranger Things to someone who hasnt seen it. There are genuine horror elements inspired by Stephen Kings literary universe, combined with nail-biting chapter installments that make it difficult to NOT binge-watch the show. Combined with a perfectly matched soundtrack and stellar acting, Stranger Things should be on any writers radarâ€"particularly for a lesson on how to craft a story that achieves sympathetic characters, while appealing to the emotions and primal fears of an audience. As reviewer Wenlei Ma notes, Dont just watch it for the nostalgia or the genuine creeps, watch it because its compelling storytelling.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Race And The Unconscious Bias, Racism, And Police...

The movie Crash, a film that follows the individual lives of several people and how they all intertwine with one another, hints at the underlying issue of race and the unconscious bias that are hard wired in us. It also shows that racism is not a one way street, but that it travels in both directions and because of this many film critics gave it a high praise. In this paper I will examine how it relates back to the topics we have covered in class, like unconscious bias, racism, and police interactions. The Implicit Association Test or IAT is a valuable tool that those in the criminal justice system use; often times during the hiring process candidates will be required to complete the IAT so that hiring officials can see if they have any unconscious bias. The IAT is still relatively new in terms of psychological research only being created in the 1990’s by psychologist Anthony Greenwald (Kaufman, 2011). Individuals who take the race portion of the test are shown pictures of Cau casian and African-American males or females, then are given positive or negative words that they associate with each race as fast as possible. After taking the test it measures the unconscious bias that everyone has deep down (Kaufman, 2011). This unconscious bias is kind of the whole premise around the creation of the movie Crash. The movie starts in present time and then follows the events that led up to that event, beginning with Det. Graham Waters (Don Cheadle) talking about how the cityShow MoreRelatedRacial Bias From The Console1273 Words   |  6 PagesPSYC 114/SUMMER 2014 Racial Bias from the Console Kathy Vo A10694259 â€Æ' Introduction Researchers regularly research the media’s influence on race perception, but rarely examine one specific form: video games. 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Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Theory Of Nature Or Nurture - 1520 Words

The self, the I, the me. What gives birth to individuality, personality, feelings, thoughts, and behaviors? Everything in your life, from the minor to the major, all have an equal importance and influence on how you develop, how you act, feel, and even look. Namely, what you are born with, raised with, influenced by, and surrounded by will affect the way you progress or regress as an individual in this society. The way you define yourself, not only that, but how others define you is you in a sense of individuality that makes you different, the same, or revolutionary in the eyes of your own self or others. The theory of nature or nurture, in other words what you are born with and what you are influenced by in different environmental†¦show more content†¦Also, relationships with other family members—grandparents, uncles, and aunts— may vary. Further, families differ according to the combination of subgroups to which they belong. Even if you have a family you may not necessarily have a father and a mother to care for you, having other people raise you and take care of you like another relative will also shape someone in a certain way and he or she may develop certain behaviors, feelings, and thoughts about a certain sensitive issue. Not only if you have other relatives that are caring for you, but if a child happens to be an orphan it will change the way his or her personality develops and shapes this person for live. How you are raised, who raised you, racial or ethnic group, social class, religious group, geographic region, and many other aspects of family influence who you become as a person and in which ways your personality develops. Furthermore, family is not the last and only thing that will affect your personality and identity. A huge factor that has tons of influence (specially in younger adults) and in the development to adulthood is who youShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Nature And Nurture Essay2057 Words   |  9 Pagesbeing requires each life moments. Being that there are predictions of common patterns to every human being, no individual life is the same. How a person develop throughout their life, depends on environmental blending experiences and biology. Nature and nurture are tingled before we are born. Processing of physical changes are largely driven as our brain grow and change due to different cognitive abilities and reduce function in old age, while psychosocial development is also influence by physicalRead MorePsychology : The Nurture Theory And The Nature Theory1498 Words   |  6 Pagesuse the caregiver as a secure base. This paper will discuss two theories in developmental psychology: The nurt ure theory and the nature theory. 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These traitsRead MoreThe Theories Of Natu re Vs Nurture1752 Words   |  8 Pages Through history, the idea of nature vs nurture has been a hotly debated issue. Nature, or genetics is often believed to be the most important aspect of a persons’ upbringing, as nature is something very intrinsic to any one person. However, many debate that nurture, or the care and encouragement of any human life, trumps nature. The earliest (proofs?) and rebuttals of these theories have been honed and developed over time by specific psychologists and educational theorists – all who hoped to proveRead MoreThe Theory Of Nature Vs. Nurture1523 Words   |  7 Pagesstated, the â€Å"nature versus nurture† concept is very prevalent within developmental theory. Many theorists have strong opinions on the subject and how it relates to biological development, behavioral development and learning. The nature concept refers to development being driven by heredity, maturation, genes, and inborn intrinsic actions (Lerner, 2002). A theorist who had a strong view that nature w as the driving force behind development was Jean-Jacques Rousseau. In contrast, the nurture concept refersRead MoreThe Theories Of Nature Vs. Nurture2037 Words   |  9 Pages Through history, the idea of nature vs. nurture has been a hotly debated issue. Nature, or genetics is often believed to be the most important aspect of a persons’ upbringing, as nature is something intrinsic to any one person. However, many debate that nurture, or the care and encouragement of any human life, trumps nature. The earliest evidence and rebuttals of these theories have been honed and developed over time by specific psychologists and educational theorists – all who hoped to prove theirRead MoreNature Vs Nurture Theory Essay828 Words   |  4 PagesQ) What was the basis of doctors reasoning to raise David (named Bruce at birth) as a girl? Explain the doctors reasoning in relation to nature versus nurture theories. The phycologist recommended to David’s parents that they can raise David as a girl just by developing his identity as a feminine. The physiologist also recommended that the surgical process of constructing penis would be more difficult and risky for David than the surgical construction of a vagina. The psychologist explained to David’sRead MoreNature Vs Nurture : Personality Theories1855 Words   |  8 PagesPersonality theories include a wide range of thoughts and it is hard to narrow them down to a choice of how and why individuals are their identity. These complex thoughts must be examined and gone over certainly before one can decide whether an individual meets the characterized significance of the hypothesis. An example would need to be set up with the person before they could be said to have a specific identity quality. To what extent should an individual take after an example of conduct beforeRead More Nature vs. Nurture: Leaning Towards the Nurture Theory Essa y2121 Words   |  9 PagesIs nature responsible for the way children think and behave, or is it due to the way a child is nurtured? Scientists and psychologists have been debating the subject of nature versus nurture for decades. The term â€Å"nature† refers to heredity, or the genetic traits passed down from parent to child (Powell, 2010). Researchers all over the world attempt to prove that genetics is the sole explanation of a child’s intelligence and personality. Human DNA determines traits such as eye color, nose shapeRead MoreMy Personal Developmental Theory, Nature Vs. Nurture812 Words   |  4 Pagesshape and influence development. My personal developmental theory consists of several tenets from theories such as, nature vs. nurture, systems and cognitive developmental theory. While there are many theories in lifespan development, and they are all relevant in the development of an individual I found these particular theories the most influential in my de velopment. Nature vs. Nurture From a biological perspective, nature vs. nurture plays a critical role in the development of an individual. Meaney

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What Effects the Bounce of a Dropped Ball Free Essays

Aim The aim of this experiment is to investigate the efficiency of a bouncing ball, and the factors which affect its efficiency. Hypothesis If I increase the height from which a ball is dropped, then the bounce height will increase because it will increase the speed and create a larger impact, causing the ball to bounce higher then dropping it from a lower height. Materials 1. We will write a custom essay sample on What Effects the Bounce of a Dropped Ball or any similar topic only for you Order Now High bounce ball 2. Measuring tape 3. Tape 4. Wall Risk Assessment H- Cutting yourself with the measuring tape C- Handle with care and ensure that it is locked Method 1. Hold the measuring tape with the 0 centimeter end on the floor. Then tape the measuring tape to a wall. 2. Hold the bottom of the high bounce ball in place with the 100 centimeter mark on the measuring tape. 3. Drop the ball and determine the total bounce height of the ball, which would be the distance from the surface to the bottom of the ball at the top of its bounce. . Continue till you have data for 3 tests. 5. Repeat steps 2-5 for drop heights 80 cm 60 cm 40 cm 6. Average all the data. Variables Independent variable = drop height Dependent variable = bounce height Controlled variables = ball, surface, measuring tool Data Table Height a Ball Bounced From Different Drop Heights DROP HEIGHT (CM) TEST 1TEST 2TEST 3AVERAGE 10050495150 8038394039 6031293030 4022202120 Graph How to cite What Effects the Bounce of a Dropped Ball, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Maximizing the Life Cycle Logistics Essay Example

Maximizing the Life Cycle Logistics Essay As a brief description of the subject in the study, the life cycle of logistics can also be maximized through establishing effective management organizing efforts to maintain a certain companys operational structure that will avoid or prevent errors and mismanagement that can take place within the corporation. In this case, the 360 degree logistics can be found when there will be a capital expenditure that will be reared out to fund materials and human resources that will be helping to manufacture product. As soon as the product will be made and distributed to the market, there will be an exchange of commodity as well as financial trade value. This process will undergo the procedural profit taking to collect the monetary amount of profits that has been sold to the market. The monetary value be distributed to the accounting department of a certain organization to fund services, raw materials, and salaries to employees that completes the life cycle of the business operating organization. Image is one of the most sensitive factors that should be taken cared In long-term basis for the reason that It can be used for the marketing plan that will promote the companys products to boost sales to the public as mentioned by Pointers (2008). We will write a custom essay sample on Maximizing the Life Cycle Logistics specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Maximizing the Life Cycle Logistics specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Maximizing the Life Cycle Logistics specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Location is one of the most important considerations that will be considered for companies such as Panasonic because it is an electrical distributing company that aims to Identify potential target market to maintain their production capacity and market endurance in monopolizing output in specific period of time. The organizational structure of the company is also focused on establishing officers that will be destined to key manufacturing areas in all satellite areas around the world to maximize the production facilities and operation. In addition, manufacturing all kinds of electrical equipments and appliances utilizes the standards of manufacturing practice that are abided according to the laws and policies imposed in the market. Logistics minimization is one of the most effective management activities that will help to sustain transporting finished products that will be available anywhere around the world. These kinds of ways that can be made by using logistics will help to restructure and implement effective strategies that conform to the production and management capacity of the company to perform OFF Life-cycle cost analysis purpose is to determine the system, product, and process of the future total life cycle cost that includes design and development, production/ construction, system utilization, maintenance and support, and retirement and disposal, high cost contributors, cause and affect relationships, potential risk, and identification for improvement to reduce cost if possible (Blanchard, 2004). When this kind of analysis is conducted the person is looking at the entire life span of the product and how much it cost to sustain it through logistics and maintenance at first, because it is the most expensive part of the total life cycle cost. The supportability analysis helps developed the information to input into the life-cycle cost analysis, this enable the analysis to be initiated in the beginning of the design phase where it is most cost beneficial. The analysis is usually conducted as the design progress toward completion to gather vital assumptions and facts on the how the analysis findings an be applied through the acquisition process. Factors are broken down into the types of cost that makes up the overall total cost, such as acquisition cost, operating cost, and disposal cost. A complete life cycle cost also includes other costs such as financial and labor cost as well. The evaluation will usually start with initial cost of making a product by looking at element like capitol cost, which is needed to start and complete the project. Then there is operation, maintenance, and repair cost that factors in heavily to the life cycle cost analysis, that can be the largest percentage of the total cost. The number and timing of capital replacements of systems or products depend on the estimated life of the system, so replacement cost must be calculated in also. It is helpful for companies to use the same sources that provide cost estimates for initial investments to obtain estimates of replacement costs and expected useful lives (Blanchard, 2004). Without logistics planning, the company will not be able to identify potential resource markets that will be significant to boost their competitiveness as well as their productivity in creating better financial performances. Logistics is important for he reason that it helps the company to fulfill all kinds of goals and without this factor will affect the companys growth performance in a specific period for having a stagnant or negative flow of financial productivity. The absence of logistics planning halts the companys ability to produce quality products, which will result for having health threats for users and will not be safe to use in the market according to Barman (2011). The standards of production performance without logistics planning will fail to reach goal standards for producing quality products by having defects that an cause potential accidents for users that will be acquiring the product. Lucas are usually performed early in the design process when only estimates of costs and savings are available, rather than certain dollar amounts. Uncertainty in input values means that actual outcomes may differ from estimated outcomes. It has been proven that LOCAL provides a significantly better assessment of the long-term cost- effectiveness of a project than alternative economic methods that focus only on first costs or on operating-related costs in the short run The effects of the current economy have made the business and logistics world hang the way products are secured, transported, and financed. The global economy is slowly rebounding from the World Financial Crisis of 2008, where major unemployment record rose to an all-time high. There are major factors that contributed to the new challenge that transportation and logistics managers currently faced; most of the challenges are a result of the current Global Financial Crisis the world. There was a large reduction in capital investment for business shortly after the downturn of the world markets due to the decline in financial credit availability from banks; causing businesses to lose profits. In early March 2009, the number of massive container ships sitting idle globally was estimated at an all-time high of 453 vessels, but the global transportation sector rebounded sharply in 2010. The declining economy had a detrimental affect within transportation and logistics management; that created transportation and logistical management challenges for companies to get financial backing for procurement of supplies and services (U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2011). Over the last four years, economists have been in an uproar over the flow of exports and imports have slowed in the lobar trade market that has caused delays within the supply chain. The crisis in the economy has also caused high cost in fossil fuels, geographical fragmentation in production processes, along with the creation of wide-spread macroeconomic risk facing domestic and global economies. The uneven recovery the economy continues to have major impact on freight transports flows that was facilitated by good and cheap transport, according to an International Transport Forum review (Barman, 2010). The Surface Transportation Board is continuously working on the challenges and lotions to intermediate transportation in regards to the aging of infrastructure, environmental issues, and congestion. In 2009, congestion was one of the biggest issues concerning the transportation sector of transportation and logistics management was congestion (TTS, 2009). The Surface Transportation Board reiterates the growing consensus of that petroleum based fuels have significant impacts on the environment, including greenhouse emissions and air pollutions. Congress started debating proposals that are approved today to reduce greenhouse emissions and have met plans to meet fuel economies standard by 2016 (TTS, 2009). Congress have been tasked to provide solution to fund improvement to the critically aging transportation infrastructure systems across the United States; with rising issues of gaining funding support on critical issue of infrastructure preservation. The Department of Homeland Security issues critical and mandatory regulations for the United States trading partners and the Transpiration Security Administration to ensure security of supply chains (TTS, 2011). The Coast Guards goal is to integrate maritime cyber security with the wider defense system that the U. S. Is building. Congress order to screen 100 percent of international inbound cargo; international efforts are more difficult since the agency has no authority to require foreign countries to screen cargo on passenger aircraft. Port Security have made efforts to protect US ports by mandating 100 percent cargo screening of all inbound containers, but TTS argues that even if containers are being screened, the basic act of putting aluminum foil around a nuclear weapon can negate that procedure (TTS, 2011). Businesses and the government had taken actions to implement a risk management approach but had not conducted comprehensive risk assessments for o help ensure that resources are allocated to the highest-priority risks. In the Global Logistics management article, posted by Jeff Barman, he stated that the potential for innovations for potential management of greenhouse gases emissions transports are foster by technology in order to improve fuel economy (Barman 2010). This seems like one solution to promote climate change policy in the transport sector, since some research insists that policy do affect logistics and transportation; as well as the economy. Refinancing global growth is more a matter for policy-makers, that would be creating the right macroeconomic conditionsfor instance by ensuring that credit is available, that exchange rates reflect economic realities and, in transport, by setting the rules of the games in such a way that we are getting the prices right (Barman, 2010). Perhaps the key to improving the supply chain management is to strictly enforce demand forecasting based off the climate of the economy and eliminating unnecessary costs to the total cost of a products cycle. This suggests that that converting back to basic fundamentals in supply chain management could consumer confidence in spending and improve the global trade arrest. As an implication, facility planning will involve to establish bidding procedure that are important in creating new products because this will determine the most effective product as well as choosing the product that has the highest quality rate that will be available in the market. Facility planning improvement matters because it helps to restructure all kinds of equipments that will be used for the production of new products that will be sold to the market. In this process, facilities are needed to be maintained and regularly checked by maintenance personnel to identify potential effective facilities that will be subjected to replacement to avoid finished products that are defective and not safe to use as claimed by Pointers (2008). The main benefit is saving cost, plus assessing whether a system can be operated and supported in an effective and efficient manner. All the costs associated with the development of the system become available at the beginning of the actual implementation of the project. This greatly assists the organization in deciding whether the project is to be developed or not from a costing perspective. It helps to analyze the business function interrelationships. By referencing the analysis report on expenditure, managers of a firm can predict accurate revenues at quite an early stage. This will give managers the data they need to weigh the total amount invested against the estimated return on investment before the product is fully produced. Allowing a look at all design alternatives that will provide the lowest cost to manufacturer without compromising the quality or functionality of the product.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Free Essays on Red Mocassins

The Power of a Mother’s Love In the story â€Å"Red Mocassins† by Susan Power, she tries to get her readers to feel a certain way about specific characters in her story. The story pushes me to be annoyed with Joyce, and genuinely like Anna. Power portrays Joyce to be lazy, inconsiderate, selfish and, most importantly, a bad mother. The complete opposite of this is her cousin, Anna, who is loving, generous and nurturing. Several places in the text demonstrate the qualities of each of these two women. Because of this evidence in the text, it is obvious that this author wants me not to like Joyce, and feel compassion towards Anna. Power makes Joyce look like a bad mother right from the beginning of the story. Joyce is portrayed not to be â€Å"mother material† because Anna, her cousin, is the one working on Bernardine’s first Sioux costume. Power says in the text that â€Å"Ordinarily a mother would do this, but Dina’s was the next thing to useless. Joyce Blue Kettle had never gotten close enough to a needle to stick herself, let alone sew a costume† (409). A reader already looks at Joyce in a negative way because she should have been the one fulfilling this important tradition for her only daughter. Joyce is obviously jealous of her cousin Anna. Anna recalls stories of their childhood and how obnoxious Joyce was towards her. Joyce’s husband, Clifford, loved Anna, not Joyce, but Joyce soon changed that. Clifford bought Anna many little gifts when they were children. One time Clifford brought Anna a glass eye, and â€Å"It was too much for Joyce. She intercepted the gift, snatched it from the palm of my hand as I studied the green iris. She took Clifford over the same way, ordering him around, demanding his attention, and because I did not love Clifford, I let her keep him†(410). Joyce wanted everything Anna had, and again is portrayed to be someone I would dislike. However, in that particular instance someone coul... Free Essays on Red Mocassins Free Essays on Red Mocassins The Power of a Mother’s Love In the story â€Å"Red Mocassins† by Susan Power, she tries to get her readers to feel a certain way about specific characters in her story. The story pushes me to be annoyed with Joyce, and genuinely like Anna. Power portrays Joyce to be lazy, inconsiderate, selfish and, most importantly, a bad mother. The complete opposite of this is her cousin, Anna, who is loving, generous and nurturing. Several places in the text demonstrate the qualities of each of these two women. Because of this evidence in the text, it is obvious that this author wants me not to like Joyce, and feel compassion towards Anna. Power makes Joyce look like a bad mother right from the beginning of the story. Joyce is portrayed not to be â€Å"mother material† because Anna, her cousin, is the one working on Bernardine’s first Sioux costume. Power says in the text that â€Å"Ordinarily a mother would do this, but Dina’s was the next thing to useless. Joyce Blue Kettle had never gotten close enough to a needle to stick herself, let alone sew a costume† (409). A reader already looks at Joyce in a negative way because she should have been the one fulfilling this important tradition for her only daughter. Joyce is obviously jealous of her cousin Anna. Anna recalls stories of their childhood and how obnoxious Joyce was towards her. Joyce’s husband, Clifford, loved Anna, not Joyce, but Joyce soon changed that. Clifford bought Anna many little gifts when they were children. One time Clifford brought Anna a glass eye, and â€Å"It was too much for Joyce. She intercepted the gift, snatched it from the palm of my hand as I studied the green iris. She took Clifford over the same way, ordering him around, demanding his attention, and because I did not love Clifford, I let her keep him†(410). Joyce wanted everything Anna had, and again is portrayed to be someone I would dislike. However, in that particular instance someone coul... Free Essays on Red Mocassins The Power of a Mother’s Love In the story â€Å"Red Mocassins† by Susan Power, she tries to get her readers to feel a certain way about specific characters in her story. The story pushes me to be annoyed with Joyce, and genuinely like Anna. Power portrays Joyce to be lazy, inconsiderate, selfish and, most importantly, a bad mother. The complete opposite of this is her cousin, Anna, who is loving, generous and nurturing. Several places in the text demonstrate the qualities of each of these two women. Because of this evidence in the text, it is obvious that this author wants me not to like Joyce, and feel compassion towards Anna. Power makes Joyce look like a bad mother right from the beginning of the story. Joyce is portrayed not to be â€Å"mother material† because Anna, her cousin, is the one working on Bernardine’s first Sioux costume. Power says in the text that â€Å"Ordinarily a mother would do this, but Dina’s was the next thing to useless. Joyce Blue Kettle had never gotten close enough to a needle to stick herself, let alone sew a costume† (409). A reader already looks at Joyce in a negative way because she should have been the one fulfilling this important tradition for her only daughter. Joyce is obviously jealous of her cousin Anna. Anna recalls stories of their childhood and how obnoxious Joyce was towards her. Joyce’s husband, Clifford, loved Anna, not Joyce, but Joyce soon changed that. Clifford bought Anna many little gifts when they were children. One time Clifford brought Anna a glass eye, and â€Å"It was too much for Joyce. She intercepted the gift, snatched it from the palm of my hand as I studied the green iris. She took Clifford over the same way, ordering him around, demanding his attention, and because I did not love Clifford, I let her keep him†(410). Joyce wanted everything Anna had, and again is portrayed to be someone I would dislike. However, in that particular instance someone coul...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Definition of a Dermal Denticle

The Definition of a Dermal Denticle Dermal denticles (placoid scales) are tough scales that cover the skin of elasmobranchs (sharks and rays). Even though denticles are similar to scales, they are actually just modified teeth and are covered with hard enamel. These structures are packed tightly together and grow with their tips facing backward, giving the skin a rough feel if you run your finger from tail to head, and a smooth feel from head to tail. What Dermal Denticles Do The main function of these denticles is for protection against predators, kind of like a naturally occurring  chainmail armor, although in some sharks they have a hydrodynamic function. The denticles reduce turbulence and drag which allows the shark to swim faster and covertly. Some swimsuit manufacturers are trying to replicate sharks denticles in swimsuit material in order to help swimmers cut through the water faster.   Like our teeth, dermal denticles have an inner core of pulp (made up of connective tissues, blood vessels, and nerves), covered by a layer of dentine (hard calcareous material). This is covered with an enamel-like vitrodentine, which provides a hard outer casing. While scales in bony fish grow as the fish gets large, dermal denticles stop growing after they reach a certain size. More denticles are added later as the fish grows.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Portfolio management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Portfolio management - Essay Example Categorisation involves grouping potential components in to categories in order to facilitate further decision making. Usually, categories link their components with a common set of strategic goals. In this first step of implementing, it is important to establish what is going to be managed and as such, it is necessary to have an overview   of the extent and variety of potential and available work   and how it maps in to the organisations overall strategy. It is important at this stage to have to be aware of the extent and size of your mandate. This is the stage where one decides the terms, scope and defines the portfolio as well as gaining agreement on the basic portfolio model (Reilly & Brown, 2012). This is where on defines information such as: departments that are going to be covered, the category of work included for example whether the portfolio includes operations or projects, the categorization scheme which aids in balancing the portfolio in areas of importance to allow o ptimization of the overall allocation of resources.   For example, categories may include work that supports the business or grows the business. Work can also be categorised as high, medium or low risk. It is important that for every categorisation defined, some guidelines are set for how work should be balanced. Make sure that projects that are chosen are aligned to the goals and strategies of the organisation and also have the highest value. As such, understand the models that the organisation or department wants to employ.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Business decision making Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business decision making - Assignment Example Decision making process is a very significant function to any company that must attain success in the market. It stipulates the areas that the company can easily penetrate in the market without enormous incurrence on costs and any impending risks. Data collection is the approach that wills open doors for such a company to make an adequate decision from the analysis they arrive at as per the data segments (Carroll, 2008). In this paper is stipulated that data analysis is a significant faction which every company ought to adopt. The report revolves around a fashion industry selling fashion clothes, shoes, jeans and other related fashion components whose main target is the youth generation. It possesses a challenge since the youths are dynamics in their desires, this call for constant review of its products to meet the demand of its market segment. A group comprising of 20 youths is sampled from Coventry region who are interviewed on a major market trends about fashion and their take on how fashion impacts the development of new products in the market. Their involvement in the changes is the key factor that is considered (Bazerman& Moore, 2013). Decisions amount to the most significant components to business in the market regardless of its current position. For a business to start it must involve decision making processes and growing business must always apply different decisions for its growth purposes, otherwise growth and start-up will never be met. An agglomeration of factors must be taken into consideration on the particular field of the company. A company ought to ask such questions like what is my market size. What is the market trend? Who are my consumers? What is the market perception? Among other critical questions which will drive the company to undertake proper steps. Quality, quantity, location, size and other structural characteristics are influenced by the decisions made by management in a company (Teale,

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Media Effects on Teenage Drinking

Media Effects on Teenage Drinking JOE: A Teenagers Struggle Stephanie Mikalatos Schools, government programs and parents working harder and harder to educate children, to just say no (Levinthal 387) [i] to drugs. But the fight is hard against millions of dollars used for alcohol and prescription drug advertisements, that are doing exactly the opposite and trying to make adolescents and adults drink, take pills and smoke. In addition there are plenty of television programs and movies that are showing drug use as being cool. Younger people then receive mixed messages do to traditional advertising, media images, movies, songs, the internet and all known social media. An important factor are the more relaxed rating of movies with scenes of actors smoking, drinking and using drugs. That is why the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that tobacco advertising in all media will be forbidden, restrictions on alcohol advertising, avoiding general exposure to children with media associated with substances such as tobacco, alcohol, drugs, illegal drugs. They vote for more prevention and more class media education. In the media example the teenager started talking about alcohol when he was thirteen years old. He wanted to try it out of curiosity and to buy alcohol as a minor is relatively easy in other countries. It became a trend to go out with friends and drinking very fast. He started drinking beer and cheap drinks at first, but eventually developed a taste for better and purer alcohol. By the age of fourteen he drank alcohol regularly and until he passed out. This however did not prevent him from drinking every night, but was able to keep his parents in the dark about it. From this point on he started with alcohol, progressed to the use of marijuana and lastly to LSD and cocaine. This stands in total opposite about that view new media ads give us about alcohol. In the words of a major 2005 study analyzing the lifestyles of eight- to eighteen-year-olds, young people today live â€Å"media-saturated lives, spending an average six to eight hours a day with media.†[ii] (Levinthal 391) The in study called Generation M (for Media), spends the time of a full time job with new media. [iii]The new medias providing teenager with a multitude of entertaining such as reading (eBooks with tablets), listening to music, text messaging and chatting online with friends, watching TV, movies, live stream YouTube and similar WebPages. Parents are not able anymore to control their childrens media access, because of missing knowledge or just unrestricted access in the teens own four walls. Alcohol is still the number one drug on American television and statistically every fourteen minutes some type of alcohol can be seen in selected programs. The results of multiple studies show that alcohol is constantly and visually present everywhere, but is rarely addressed explicitly. [iv]Especially the trivialized representations of alcohol in the environment of sports programs, drinking with girls in sexy outfits or music events; and in conjunction with humor makes it hard for the consumer to see the dangers of its use. Surveys showed that almost all young people have experiences with alcohol of some sorts. Alcohol plays a huge role from the perspective of young people, especially at parties and being together with friends; it creates fun and contributes to a better mood. On television the youth using alcohol especially in youth series, in advertising and in feature films. Overall, it was found that a media education project could contribute to raising awareness of alcohol issue s such as excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to aggression and destroy friendships. Presented in a new media form the understanding of the dangers of alcohol (or any other drug) would be made easier for the adolescent media user. Children learn early to know alcohol by watching adults drink before them on festive occasions or even every day in their home environment. This makes it much easier to even try in opposite to what the AAP article is saying. One can get to alcohol or easily as a survey explained, 81% of the youth surveyed knew that alcohol is present in their household.[v] Alcohol drinking is in: When teenagers drink alcohol, they are recognized by their peers or elders. The young people do not want to stand back in the group. If in a group where everyone drinks and most are older, teenagers do not want to stand back. That is how to become more recognized. Alcohol lifts the mood, for example at a party or in society. Thinking about problems is getting less and after more drug use even forget the everyday life. The adult the young person sees having a drink in movies, commercials, at home in the internet and so on is often to be imitated. Since some adult stand as a models, like actors, musician, athl etes the young people usually think nothing of it. They do not know the far-reaching the consequences can become. Here too can be seen that real life examples can be as bad as examples, as the ones in the media which I think is missing in the article. 5% of young people drinking too much alcohol and are at risk. 15% percent, however, never drink alcohol. The alcoholic beverage no. one is beer. Wine and spirits are less in demand. In general, alcohol is considered normal. Who does not drink, is considered a nerd, an outsider, teens in peer pressure are forced to drink. A study shows for the years 2009 to 2014 shows, 86 adult directed popular musical performances with alcohol on average on each average day on music channels like MTV or VHS.[vi] Advertising/ showing of alcohol like beer, demonstrates such a fun time in ones life, attractive, successful teen pictures. Since 1960, the TV advertising market for beer, wine, liquor grew, and the ads are often to see at primetime TV. 1000-2000 alcohol ads are annually shown during performances, series and reality shows for young people, plus sports broadcasts. In all these examples not one public service announcement (PSA) on the advertising of alcohol was to be attached. The trend of new sweet spirits and mix drinks that are containing more alcohol then beer went up in advertisement. 20% more liquor advertising on TV and 92% more magazine pages.[vii] New technologies for the Internet, social networking sites and even mobile phones offer even more exposure. The so-called war on drugs has been going on in the film industry, and smoking is often totally banned. But a large number of film scenes are still showing alcohol with healthy adults and in many places. Together with the media and early education, the support to encourage children and young people to live alcohol free. Laws and regulation can be done to eliminate displays of happy drunks in social media. [viii] Joe says in opposite to most research, that teens have a hard time avoiding drugs because they are so easy to come by and are often supplied by close friends. In school there are so many kids that sell stuff and a lot of times they are friends as well. The stereotypical drug pusher whom kids are warned about is the exception. Children are getting taught that somebody who sells drugs is, like, some filthy, grungy guy in a parka, but more often first exposures to drugs was through close friends, sometimes even immediate family. Joe thinks that it is a mistake for a lot of anti-drug campaigns geared to teens, to portray drug dealers looking like demons. Most of the kids that do a lot of the heavy drugs and booze are just as regular and probably quite pleasing to look at for regular people. Regarding the seventeen points of advocacy and guidance through pediatricians there are indeed some of the points that can be used. Pediatricians can raise awareness with the parents of a teenager by asking questions about the media usage and the location of the teens TV and computer like in point one. But knowing that teens are much more tech savvy then their parents one can assume that they will trick their way through with using a gaming platform or their phone. Some of the other points seem to be to say the least- unrealistic. Parents will not change their daily life around to pre-view movies with their kids. They will not switch off the TV during the meals. They have even movies running when they are for ten minutes with their kids in the car so they do not need to talk to them. Of course the entertainment industry should show more sensibility and responsibility. Congress needs to come up with new laws and regulations about advertisements regarding medications, alcohol and tobacco. As logical consequence there should be more funding for early education and commercials against drinking and smoking, like we can see in the campaigns against texting and driving for example. But even though all these things are factors that increase the risks of kids getting lured into drug use- the biggest of all responsibility still lays with the closest family and friends. Remembering the prohibition area, having alcohol as I totally illegal substance did not show to be really successful. This approach only added more crime, [1]secrets and home-made booze that was quite dangerous sometimes because it was even stronger. In conclusion one really would think that just a general better education and more own responsibility for every citizen can make a difference. References American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Communications. Children, adolescents, and advertising [published correction appears in Pediatrics.2007;119(2):424]. Pediatrics.2006;118(6):2563–2569 BorzekowskiDLG,StrasburgerVC.Tobacco, alcohol, and drug exposure. In CalvertS,WilsonBJ, eds.Handbook of Children and the Media.Boston, MA: Blackwell;2008:432–452. StrasburgerVC. Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth:Clicking With Kids: Alcohol Marketing and Youth on the Internet.Washington, DC:Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth;2004 Firshein, Janet. PBS. Thirteen. Moyers on Addiction. Close to home.  © 2009 Real-Life Stories. JOE: A Teenagers Struggle. http://www.thirteen.org/closetohome/stories/html/joe.html HornikR,JacobsohnL,OrwinR,PiesseAN,KaltonG.Effects of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign on youths.Am J Public Health.2008;98(12):2229–2236 Levinthal, Charles F. Drugs, Behavior, and Modern Society, 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 12/2010. VitalBook file Mayo Clinic Staff. Underage drinking: Talking to your teen about alcohol.  © 1998-2014 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/tween-and-teen-health/in-depth/teen-drinking/art- MorenoMA,BrinerLR,WilliamsA,WalkerL,ChristakisDA.Real use or â€Å"real cool†: adolescents speak out about displayed alcohol references on social networking websites.J Adolesc Health.2009;45(4):420–422 Nemours. Teen Health. Alcohol.  © 1995-2014 The Nemour Foundation. http://kidshealth.org/teen/drug_alcohol/alcohol/alcohol.html [1]Levinthal, Charles F. Drugs, Behavior, and Modern Society, 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 12/2010. [i] Levinthal, Charles F. Drugs, Behavior, and Modern Society, 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 12/2010. VitalBook file. [ii] Levinthal, Charles F. Drugs, Behavior, and Modern Society, 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 12/2010. VitalBook file. [iii] Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth:Clicking With Kids: Alcohol Marketing and Youth on the Internet.Washington, DC:Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth;2004 [iv] Nemours. Teen Health. Alcohol.  © 1995-2014 The Nemour Foundation. http://kidshealth.org/teen/drug_alcohol/alcohol/alcohol.html [v] HornikR,JacobsohnL,OrwinR,PiesseAN,KaltonG.Effects of the National Youth Anti- Drug Media Campaign on youths.Am J Public Health.2008;98(12):2229–2236 [vi] American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Communications. Children, adolescents, and advertising [published correction appears in Pediatrics.2007;119(2):424]. Pediatrics.2006; [vii] American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Communications. Children, adolescents, and advertising [published correction appears in Pediatrics.2007;119(2):424]. Pediatrics.2006; [viii] MorenoMA,BrinerLR,WilliamsA,WalkerL,ChristakisDA.Real use or â€Å"real cool†: adolescents speak out about displayed alcohol references on social networking websites.J Adolesc Health.2009;45

Friday, January 17, 2020

Blaine Case

Executive Summary: In summary, recommendation by the banker to buy back 14 million outstanding shares of Blaine Kitchenware with $ 50 million debt and $209 million cash in hand would result in following financial metric changes: * Increase the value of the firm through the benefit of tax shield from current $960million to $1. 063billion. * The offer results in 3% increase in EPS from $0. 91 to $0. 93 based on 2006 financial numbers. * An increase of 7. 3% on ROE from 11% to 18. 3% based on 2006 financial numbers. * After adjustment, share prices will be $18. 0. Proposed Buy-Back Plan Analysis:Although Blaine’s current financial situation is sound with no debt, its current balance sheet is under levered and over liquid compare to its peers. The current financial structure earns little return on the short-term assets while does not allow the firm to benefit from any debt interest tax shield. The proposed capital structure will benefit the company by levering its balance sheet. I t will provide an interest tax shield for the income thus increasing the value of the firm for the shareholders. Because interest on debt is a tax-deductible expense, taking on debt will effectively lower the taxable income allowing the firm to pay less tax.The current large cash and short-term marketable securities on the balance sheet make Blaine an attractive target for a take-over. The large cash on balance sheet could effectively be used as a collateral to finance a take-over or merger of Blaine. Such characteristics attract private equity firms in which can utilize the over-liquid situation to their advantage. The current mature nature of business also requires a levered capital structure. A firm in this situation should not follow a pecking order, as it would hold down the value of the firm while making it attractive for a take-over or merger.Less cash in balance sheet also reduces agency cost by forcing managers to invest only in opportunities that are aligned with sharehold ers vision and interest therefore reducing wasteful investments not benefiting shareholders. As for the future acquisitions, Blaine can either use debt or issue stocks when appropriate. Furthermore the proposed share buy-back will give more control to family investors. Since initial IPO and previous acquisitions has diluted the shares, family control in Blaine has been on decline and a source of concern.The proposed share buy-back will return more control into family shareholder hands further solidifying their support for the new capital structure. The repurchase offer would affect both income statement and balance sheet of the firm. In the balance sheet debt is increased by $50 million, cash is reduced by $209 million while equity is reduced by $259 million. The remaining cash can be used to fund seasonal peak operation in combination with additional short-term debt should it be needed. Our EPS will increase by 3% to $0. 93 from current $0. 91 and our ROE will see a large increase from 11% to 18. % further bringing Blaine closer to its competitors. The result of additional debt in the balance sheet will increase the value of the firm from current $960million to $1. 063billion while adjusted share prices will rise to $18. The increase in share value is due to increase in the value of the firm from $960million to $1. 06billion because of levering up the firm since value of any levered firm is its unlevered value plus its tax rate multiplied by its interest bearing debt. The $18. 50 offer holds a premium over adjusted future share price of $18 therefore making the proposed capital structure attractive to shareholders.The debt to equity ratio of 2. 5% is still conservative and aligned with the vision of the company not to over utilize debt in its capital structure. Furthermore the increase in Enterprise Value to EBITDA ratio from 9. 9% to 14. 8% will make the firm more costly to be acquired thus less attractive for a take-over. A dividend policy in place of the s tock repurchase will not provide the same value for the company and its shareholders. Dividends are subjected to higher tax rate compare to capital gain increased due to share buy-back.This discourages shareholders from desire to receive high dividends in place of higher capital gain as share values increase. A comparison is made below between the proposed capital structure and dividend policy. | Share buyback| One-time special cash dividends| Pros| Increase EPS/ROE, pos. sign of future earnings, Lower tax rate compare to div policy| Happy shareholders, positive sign of future earnings, | Cons| Limiting liquidity, opportunity cost | Limiting liquidity, opportunity cost, higher tax rate compare to capital gain policy| Share outstanding| Decrease| No change|EPS| Increase| No change| ROE| Increase| Increase| In summary we recommend the share buy-back plan, as it will increase the value of the firm, shield part of income from taxes, increase return on equity and lowers agency cost. The increase in value of the firm and lower cash in hand also makes the firm less attractive target of a take-over. Supporting Material: Case Exhibit 1 Income Statement| | | | | | With Repurchase Option| | Â  | Â  | Â  | Â  | Â  | Â  | Â  | | |Operating Results:| | | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2006 | | Revenue| | | | 291,940 | 307,964 | 342,251 | 342,251 | | Less: Cost of Goods Sold| | | 204,265 | 220,234 | 249,794 | 249,794 | | Gross Profit| | | 87,676 | 87,731 | 92,458 | 92,458 | | Less: Selling, General & Administrative| 25,293 | 27,049 | 28,512 | 28,512 | | Operating Income| | | 62,383 | 60,682 | 63,946 | 63,946 | | Plus: Depreciation & Amortization| | 6,987 | 8,213 | 9,914 | 9,914 | | EBITDA| | | | 69,370 | 68,895 | 73,860 | 73,860 | | Â  | | | | | | Â  | Â  | |EBIT| | | | 62,383 | 60,682 | 63,946 | 63,946 | | Plus: Other Income (expense)| | 15,719 | 16,057 | 13,506 | 0 | No marketable security income| Less Interest| | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3,375 | Tax shield amount| Earnings Before Ta x| | | 78,101 | 76,738 | 77,451 | 60,571 | | Less: Taxes| | | 24,989 | 24,303 | 23,821 | 18,629 | | Net Income| | | 53,112 | 52,435 | 53,630 | 41,942 | | Dividends| | | | 18,589 | 22,871 | 28,345 | 22,167 | Assume same 53% div policy| Â  | | | | | | Â  | Â  | | | | | | | | Â  | Â  | | Margins:| Â  | |Revenue Growth| | | 3. 2%| 5. 5%| 11. 1%| 0. 0%| | Gross Margin| | | 30. 0%| 28. 5%| 27. 0%| 27. 0%| | EBIT Margin| | | 21. 4%| 19. 7%| 18. 7%| 18. 7%| | EBITDA Margin| | | 23. 8%| 22. 4%| 21. 6%| 21. 6%| | Effective Tax Rate (1)| | | 32. 0%| 31. 7%| 30. 8%| 30. 8%| | Net Income Margin| | | 18. 2%| 17. 0%| 15. 7%| 12. 3%| | Dividend payout ratio| Â  | Â  | 35. 0%| 43. 6%| 52. 9%| 52. 9%| | Case Exhibit 2 Balance Sheet| | | | | | With Repurchase Option| Â  | Â  | Â  | Â  | Â  | Â  | Â  | | Assets:| | | | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2006 |Cash & Cash Equivalents| | | 67,391 | 70,853 | 66,557 | 21,866 | Marketable Securities| | | 218,403 | 196,763 | 164,309 | 0 | Accounts Receivabl e| | | 40,709 | 43,235 | 48,780 | 48,780 | Inventory| | | | 47,262 | 49,728 | 54,874 | 54,874 | Other Current Assets| | | 2,586 | 3,871 | 5,157 | 5,157 | Total Current Assets| | | 376,351 | 364,449 | 339,678 | 130,678 | Â  | | | | | | Â  | Â  | Property, Plant & Equipment| | 99,402 | 138,546 | 174,321 | 174,321 | Goodwill| | | | 8,134 | 20,439 | 38,281 | 38,281 |Other Assets| | | 13,331 | 27,394 | 39,973 | 39,973 | Total Assets| | | 497,217 | 550,829 | 592,253 | 383,253 | Â  | | | | | | Â  | Â  | Liabilities & Shareholders' Equity:| | | | Â  | Â  | Accounts Payable| | | 26,106 | 28,589 | 31,936 | 31,936 | Accrued Liabilities| | | 22,605 | 24,921 | 27,761 | 27,761 | Taxes Payable| | | 14,225 | 17,196 | 16,884 | 16,884 | Total Current Liabilities| | | 62,935 | 70,705 | 76,581 | 76,581 | Other liabilities| | | 1,794 | 3,151 | 4,814 | 4,814 | debt| | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 50,000 |Deferred Taxes| | | 15,111 | 18,434 | 22,495 | 22,495 | Total Liabilities | | | 79,840 | 92,290 | 103,890 | 153,890 | Shareholders' Equity| | | 417,377 | 458,538 | 488,363 | 229,363 | Total Liabilities & Shareholders' Equity| 497,217 | 550,829 | 592,253 | 383,253 | Â  | Â  | Â  | Â  | Â  | Â  | Â  | Â  | EPS | Â  | Per Outstanding Shares of| Before| $0. 908 | 59,052,083 | After| $0. 931 | 45,052,083 | Improvement| 2. 51%| | ROE| Â  | @ Book Equity| Before| 10. 98%| $488,363 | After| 18. 9%| $229,363 | Equity Value| Â  | Vu| $959,596 | VL| $1,063,196 | New Share Prices| $18. 00 | Case Exhibit 3 – Peer Comparison | Home ; Hearth Design| AutoTech Appliances| XQL Corp. | Bunkerhill, Inc. | EasyLiving Systems| | Blaine Kitchenware| Blaine Kitchenware After Repurchase| | | | | | | Â  | | | Revenue| $589,747| $18,080,000| $4,313,300| $3,671,100| $188,955| | $342,251| 342251. 25| EBIT| 106,763 | 2,505,200 | 721,297 | 566,099 | 19,613 | | 63,946 | 63945. 5| EBITDA| 119,190 | 3,055,200 | 796,497 | 610,399 | 23,356 | | 73,860 | 73,860 | Net income| $53,698| $1,416,012| $412,307| $335,073| $13,173| Â  | $53,630| 41941. 55799| | | | | | | | | | Cash ; securities| $21,495| $536,099| $21,425| $153,680| $242,102| | $230,866| 21,866 | Net working capital*| 54,316 | 1,247,520 | 353,691 | 334,804 | 21,220 | | 32,231 | – | Net fixed assets| 900,803 | 7,463,564 | 3,322,837 | 815,304 | 68,788 | | 174,321 | 174,321 | Total assets| $976,613| $9,247,183| $3,697,952| $1,303,788| $332,110| Â  | $592,253| 383,253 | | | | | | | | | |Net debt (1)| $350,798 | $4,437,314 | $950,802 | $238,056 | ($64,800)| | ($230,866)| 28,134 | Total debt| 372,293 | 4,973,413 | 972,227 | 391,736 | 177,302 | | – | 50,000| Book equity| $475,377 | $3,283,000 | $2,109,400 | $804,400 | $94,919 | Â  | $488,363 | 229,363 | | | | | | | | | | Market capitalization| 776,427 | 13,978,375 | 5,290,145 | 3,962,780 | 418,749 | Â  | 959,596 | 1063196. 354| Enterprise value (MVIC)| $1,127,226 | $18,415,689 | $6,240,947 | $4,200,836 | $353,949 | Â  | $728,730 | 1,091,330 | | | | | | | | | | E quity beta| 1. 03| 1. 24| 0. 96| 0. 2| 0. 67| | 0. 56 | 0. 7| | | | | | | | | | LTM Trading Multiples| | | | | | | | | MVIC/Revenue| 1. 91x| 1. 02x| 1. 45x| 1. 14x| 1. 87x| | 2. 13x| 3. 19x| MVIC/EBIT| 10. 56x| 7. 35x| 8. 65x| 7. 42x| 18. 05x| | 11. 40x| 17. 07x| MVIC/EBITDA| 9. 46x| 6. 03x| 7. 84x| 6. 88x| 15. 15x| | 9. 87x| 14. 78x| Market/Book equity| 1. 63x| 4. 26x| 2. 51x| 4. 93x| 4. 41x| | 1. 96x| 4. 64x| | | | | | | | | | Net Debt/Equity| 45. 18%| 31. 74%| 17. 97%| 6. 01%| -15. 47%| | -24. 06%| 2. 65%| Net Debt/Enterprise Value| 31. 12%| 24. 10%| 15. 23%| 5. 67%| -18. 31%| | -31. 68%| 2. 58%|

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Erased Faces By Graciela Limon - 1611 Words

Evelyn Garcia Professor Amaro Chicano Studies 29 September 2014 Erased Faces by Graciela Limon identifies three main characters in the novel; The stories of Adriana Mora, Juana Galvan, and Orlando Flores are narrated as we are taken through the lives of each character and how they surpassed their struggles and continue with their journeys; Each character surpassing struggles of their own. Adriana who suffered through out most her life, a photojournalist, comes across Juana whom expresses the need for her in being part of the movement in rising against the Mexican government, to capture the events in photos and journalism for the whole world to see. Juana, a strong, courageous, and independent woman who also went through much burden in her life comes to become a powerful leader in the Zapatista movement whom is praised by Orlando, the leader of the Lacandones. Though, Adriana and Juana become deal with their emotions in having a strong attraction towards each other, together they all ultimately move forward in the same journey. Even before the cha racters convoluted together, the themes of acceptance, race/ethnicity, equality, and isolation fixated around all three of them. It seems as though all characters at some point in their life went through a period where they felt completely isolated, as though nobody cared for them. Even though Erased Faces narrates the stories of multiple characters and the issues they faced, the character Juana exemplifies the theme of inequality,Show MoreRelatedThe Treaty Of Guadalupe Hidalgo Essay2270 Words   |  10 Pagesanother. With the intentions to make the Spanish superiority clear Mexica were demanded to abandon their native language, Nahuatl, and learn to speak Spanish. Resistance was punished. Graciela Limà ³n illustrates this in her novel Song of the Hummingbird, how the indigenous were inflicted into religion and customs. Graciela gives an example using Huitzitzilin experience in a Spanish catholic church where the Mexica compelled to pray in a language they didn’t understand or cared to learn, because if they

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Jane Eyre, By Charlotte Bronte - 954 Words

Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontà «, recounts the life of Jane Eyre and the developments she made as an individual through her experiences with positive and negative interactions. Mrs. Reed promises to her husband that she would care for Jane and treat her as her own. Because of Mrs. Reed’s jealousy and the idea that Jane was forced upon her, Mrs. Reed treated Jane with cold disrespect and hatred. The significance in Mrs. Reed’s character is the way in which she is unwilling to find compassion for Jane and maintains her hatred for her even as she lies on her deathbed; Mrs. Reed’s character has no positive development which makes her a significant character in the story. In light of Helen Burn’s teachings of unconditional forgiveness, Jane attempts to reconcile with Mrs. Reed. The act of true heroic strength and sympathy may be a reason for Mrs. Reeds discontent with Jane. Through Mrs. Reed’s lack of affection and harsh insensitivity, Jane uncovers her inner strength towards forgiveness and discovers her voice. From Mrs. Reed’s flaws, Jane gains qualities of strength, independence, and self love. Each setting of the story provides new experiences for Jane to grow from. Jane’s life under the supervision of Mrs. Reed at Gateshead Hall gave her one of the biggest lessons in the story. Through her mistreatment at Gateshead, Jane learns she must rely on herself for protection. Before Jane finds the power in resilience, she sits in the red-room contemplating her â€Å"humiliation,†Show MoreRelatedJane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte1601 Words   |  7 Pagesfeminist, one must see it through the lens of the time and place Brontà « wrote it. Charlotte Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Jane Eyre was a feminist work in that Bronte expressed disdain for oppressive gender structures through the voice of Jane Eyre, and the actions of Bertha Mason. Jane Eyre was a steamy novel for its time, with imagery as blatantly concealed as Jane’s description of Rochester’s hand as being â€Å"rounded, muscular; and vigorous†¦long, strong†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Brontà « 312) A modern reader might blush at the description and itsRead MoreJane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte1437 Words   |  6 Pagestools that depict history. One great work of art that portrays these constant struggles is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontà «. While addressing social issues of a governess, Brontà « also tackles Victorian society’s corrupt and unjust ideals by using different settings and characters such as Mr. Rochester and Gateshead Manor. In Jane Eyre, the depiction of a rigid social class restricts the protagonist, Jane Eyre, from marrying her love, Mr. Rochester. Sadly, Jane’s relationship is also jeopardized by passionRead MoreJane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte1374 Words   |  6 PagesJane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte Within the specter of the Gothic fictions arises the atmosphere of gloom, terror, and mystery with some elements of uncanny challenging reality. One major characteristic function of the Gothic fictions is to open the fiction to the realm of the irrational and perverse narratives, obsessions, and nightmarish terrors that hide beneath the literally civilized mindset in order to demonstrate the presence of the uncanny existing in the world known rationally through experienceRead MoreJane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte781 Words   |  3 PagesThrough her trials and tribulations, Charlotte Bronte has kept her passion for poetry alive and remains as one of the most influential British poets of all times. Even though she is one of the most famous female writers of all times, she is mostly famous for her most popular novel Jane Eyre. Charlotte Bronte has experienced more tragedy in her life than happiness by losing her mother and all five of her siblings. But, in her moments of tragedy, she expre ssed her feelings through poetry. As a resultRead MoreJane Eyre, By Charlotte Bronte949 Words   |  4 PagesSurrounded by witnesses, Jane stands in front of the minister, poised to take her marital vows as the mystery of Thornfield unravels. Unbeknownst to her, Rochester’s actual wife, Bertha Mason, is within close proximity.The knowledge of Bertha, and the mystery, will pose as a test to Jane s morals and her character. Through Jane Eyre, a powerful Victorian-era novel, Charlotte Bronte portrays the role of women in Victorian society while masterfully solidifying Jane’s role as its polar opposite: anRead MoreJane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte1714 Words   |  7 Pages Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brà ¶nte voiced the radical opinions of Brà ¶nte on religion, gender, and social class. Jane Eyre, a young orphan who lived with her vituperative aunt and cousins, strayed away from the Victorian ideals of a woman and established a new status for herself. Jane Eyre was originally written in 1827 and was heavily influenced by the late gothic literature of the 19th century. Gothic literary aspects such as supernatural occurrences, mysteries and dark secrets, madness and dangerRead MoreJane Eyre, By Charlotte Bronte1620 Words   |  7 PagesIt is often said that it is the role of literature to challenge and confront the conventional values of a society. In the novel, Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte the idea of challenging and confronting conventional values is stressed often. Perhaps it is in relation to the author herself, as seen in the autobiographical elements recognizable throughout the novel. Some of these autobiographical elements include the form of which the novel is written in, called Bildungsroman where the story is focusedRead MoreJane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte1203 Words   |  5 PagesThe nineteenth-century Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte is considered to be a gothic novel. Gothic literature took place mostly in England from 1790 to 1830, falling in to the category of Romantic literature. The Gothic takes its roots from previous horrifying writing that extends back to the Middle Ages and can still be found in writings today by many authors including Charlotte Bronte. The strong description of horror, abuse, and gruesomeness in Gothic novels reveals truths to readers through realisticRead MoreJane Eyre, By Charlotte Bronte929 Words   |  4 PagesIn Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontà « explores how Jane wants to find love--not just romantic love but to value and sense of belonging. The book challenges how the language of middle-class love affects the way a character’s self-identity can alter the action, how Jane sees herself later when she found love and sense of belonging as independent women. When Jane was a child she struggles to find her own identity Jane begins to change through her journey once she realizes her own identity and this helpsRead MoreJane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte1359 Words   |  6 PagesFollowing the ex periences of Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte, expresses many elements of gothic literature throughout her novel Jane Eyre. In her perfect understanding of gothic literature, she expresses the three types of evil commonly found in gothic literature, including the evil of the supernatural, the evil within or the instinctual evil motives of humans, and lastly, the evil because of societal influence. Jane Eyre experiences all of these three evils with her aunt and three cousins with her residency